Back to reality

Categories Lifestyle, StudentPosted on

I’m back in Liverpool. It’s cold and rainy. Which means I’m home! (I know I can’t really complain about the weather as it’s not the -20 degrees that my friends are experiencing in Canada, but it’s still cold!).

Now that I’ve discussed the weather (just resuming those typical British antics), I can share my other thoughts on being back in England.

It’s definitely been a strange month of leaving my friends in Canada to reunions with my family and friends at home. Flying home now feels like a lifetime ago as does my time in Canada. I’ve settled back at home and I’ve just finished the first three weeks of semester two. When my parents dropped me off at University they pointed out that I’m pretty much halfway through my degree. WOW (thanks for that parents, way to make me feel old!). But they’re right (as usual), I’ve got exactly half my degree left which made me realise that I have definitely gone through and learnt a lot in the first year and a half of my degree.

On the drive to university my parents made me remember how just a few months ago they were dropping me off at an airport ready to do all this in another country. Planes, ubers and Walmart trips got me to my campus on Canada, but it’s nice to be home where I can just sit back in a car and be chauffeured to uni. I know it sounds lazy but from my time in Canada I know that I am capable of doing this alone. I realised that I am now independent enough to be able to navigate myself around new cities and new countries.

Moreover, being back in Liverpool has definitely been…strange. I’ve certainly missed my friends, the campus and my hangout spots. Walking across campus has been weird as I realised I haven’t walked past these buildings since June! It’s been so lovely to catch up with my friends as well. We’ve all got stories to share, and I have to admit that it does sometimes feel like I’ve missed things and I’m a bit out of the loop. But after catching up with everyone a few times that’s all changed quickly and I’m ready to add to my memories and moments at university!

I’m happy to be home, but the days do feel a little tougher without a French Vanilla to look forward to!