Seven sleeps until Christmas and five sleeps until I arrive home 

Categories Lifestyle, TravelPosted on

Wow. My four months in Canada are almost over. It doesn’t feel that long ago when I arrived at the end of August ready to make some life changing memories.

It’s currently my last week in Canada, well really my last few days. I’m honestly a lot more upset about leaving than I thought I would be. Of course I can’t wait to see my family and friends again and indulge in a real cup of tea, but leaving Canada is going to be a lot harder than I thought.

I have definitely made some great friends here, both fellow exchange students and local Canadians. From people in my residence building, campus and course mates, I am certainly going to miss you all. From having all our meals together, walking though the tunnels to class, eating beavertails and nights out in Byward Market, these are just a few of the moments I will miss.

I’ve been lucky enough to do some travelling whilst I’ve been here too. My exchange has let me visit places like Niagara Falls and New York, destinations that I could only dream of visiting. I had an unforgettable full break and various weekend trips from visiting relatives in Regina and an early Christmas getaway to Boston. I have done more travelling in the last few months than I could have hoped for.

I should really dedicate a blog post to Tim Hortons because we all know how obsessed I am with having a French Vanilla! Luckily Tim Hortons are making there way over to England, but I doubt the experience will be the same. It’s fair to say I have adopted an almost Canadian way of life with a Tim Hortons in hand and ready to tackle any freezing temperature that comes my way (even those minus temperatures!). I have been able to immerse myself into Canadian life from my new found love of poutine and attending numerous ice hockey games.

The snow in Canada definitely puts you in the Christmas Spirit and its unfortunate that I won’t be here to have a white Christmas. But I am glad to be going home to see my family and resume our own Christmas festivities.

Ottawa has been my home for the last few months and it will definitely be a hard place to leave. It’s been unforgettable and I hope you all enjoyed reading some of my favourite moments here in Canada and on my travels.

Merry Christmas everyone!